SDL released CU3 for GroupShare 2014 SP2.
CU3 fixed issue:
- In some scenarios the default entry class was not respected when adding new terms to server termbase.
- Hard filter for the filter condition “contains” did not apply correctly for server termbases.
- Full Text Search was not working when working with server termbases.
- Increased the robustness when deleting server termbases.
- Custom fields were not propagated when creating additional language directions
- Server-based Project Translation Memories were not being populated correctly in some scenarios
- Fixed a duplicate key issue when republishing a project to GroupShare.
- Project Files were not being shown for some large projects in the GroupShare website.
You can download CU3 zip file at the URL as below.
This update require to restart your server.[:]
GroupShare 2014 SP2 Cumulative Update 3 released