Description of business

Provide a wide variety of assistance for IT technology to translation companies

We provide following engineering services for translation companies to reduce heavy burden of complicate process in various fields.

  • Analyze and estimate projects such as IT translation and localization accurately using advanced technologies
  • Propose efficient ways of project management or risk avoidance.
  • Provide tools for efficiency improvement and purpose-designed programs.
  • Propose tests to realize high quality, which leads to maintenance of confidence with your customers.
  • Preprocess before starting translation, a necessary part of IT translation.
  • Various post-process after translation including converting it to original format, quality control, generating documents in accordance with its language.
  • Provide consulting service and wealth of education programs for IT translation to companies who are planning to enter IT translation industry.
  • Handle multiple languages
  • Develop systems, such as websites for translators or translation process control.
  • Provide server hosting service and housing service. (SDL GroupShare TM Server etc.)

Provide consultation service for IT translation and localize projects to any companies.

Provide one-stop service for overall IT translation and localize projects.

Target clients

  • Companies who are running IT translation or localize business.
  • Companies who are planning to enter IT translation or localize business.
  • Companies who wish to make process more efficient, cut cost (get higher profit), improve quality.
